Beppeblq ha scritto:
Caro LIDT sono pienamente d'accordo.
Mi riferisco in particolar modo ai social network che permettono di "drogare" il valore della graduatoria di una fotografia.
Ma però in questi database fotografici, gli "amministratori" degli stessi accettano l'uso dei socialnetwork, e allora.......
Oggi la rete è questa
Caro Beppe, ho esposto il mio punto di vista sulla questione nel forum di Jetphotos e questa la risposta di uno screener (il grassetto è mio):
This, sadly, has become a very common fact lately. A few years ago we had the few guys posting links to their pics on every possible forum, funny and a bit childish too... For the very large majority posting links to your own pics on forums or anywhere was just a big NO-NO
But with the latest generation of spotters (and a few old ones jumping the wagon too) you get more and more people posting links to their own pics on numerous aviations group on Facebook. That is a very easy way to dope your hits extremely quickly.
In my very own opinion this attitude is really poor and childish again. But now what can we do ? I'm afraid we have to accept it unless we can pretend to change people's attitude toward their pic and views... Or we can simply remember we're taking pics for ourselves, for our friends. And if that make you, or one of your friend really happy, then it's all good
Those who care that much about hits, I'm not sure they really have that much fun spotting as we do