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 Oggetto del messaggio: AVIC ARJ-21
MessaggioInviato: 15/12/2007, 19:14 
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Iscritto il: 05/10/2007, 20:29
Messaggi: 5765
http://www.skyliner-aviation.de/viewpho ... picid=4295
Roll-out del primo ARJ-21 cinese.l'aereo sembrerebbe proprio un 717 (il vecchio Md-95).il primo volo è previsto per l'anno prossimo.cosa ve ne pare? gli ordini al momento sono già per 67 esemplari.
Dal mio punto di vista l'aereo è veramente bello.non sarebbe male alla nostra "sventurata" compagnia di bandiera....

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MessaggioInviato: 15/12/2007, 19:21 
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Iscritto il: 05/10/2007, 20:29
Messaggi: 5765
Alcuni dati (fonte Aerospace Technology):

ARJ21 Regional Jet Aircraft, China
The ARJ21 regional jet is being developed by the AVIC I Commercial Aircraft Company (ACAC), based in Shanghai, which is a consortium of six companies and aerospace research institutes carrying out the development and manufacture of the aircraft.

"The first flight of the ARJ21 is scheduled for 2008 with certification by the Civil Aviation Administration of China in 2009."The aircraft performance parameters meet the diverse and demanding conditions in China, including the hot-and-high altitude conditions in Western China. The aircraft has a powerful take-off and climbing performance to allow the use of basic airports with short runways.

Final assembly began in March 2007 and the first flight of the aircraft is scheduled for March 2008 with certification by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) in 2009.

A launch order has been received for 35 aircraft, for Shandong Airlines (ten), Shanghai Airlines (five) and Shenzhen Financial Leasing (20). In November 2006, Shanghai Electric Leasing (SE Leasing) signed a memorandum of understanding for 30 aircraft, and in August 2007, Lao Airlines of Laos signed an MoU for two aircraft.

The ACAC consortium, formed in 2002, includes the Shanghai Aircraft Research Institute and the Xian Aircraft Design and Research Institute, and several aerospace companies: Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group, which is responsible for the construction of the nose; Shanghai Aircraft Company, which will carry out final assembly; Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, which is manufacturing the empennage (complete tail unit); and Xian Aircraft Company, which is responsible for manufacturing the aircraft wings and fuselage.

The ARJ21 advanced regional jet was awarded State Council approval in 2002. The first phase of the program is directed to the development of the baseline passenger version with 70 to 80 seats. The development will then progress to the stretched version (90 to 100 seats), standard range and extended range versions, including all passenger, freight and business jet variants.

In June 2007, AVIC I announced an agreement with Bombardier Aerospace to co-develop the ARJ21-900, as well as long-term strategic cooperation in the 90 to 149-seat commercial aircraft market. AVIC I intends to launch the ARJ21-900 in 2007 and service entry is planned for 2011.

The flight deck is fitted with five Rockwell Collins 10in x 8in high-resolution liquid crystal adaptive flight displays. Honeywell is supplying the fly-by-wire flight control system. The avionics suite is based on the Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 system, including a VHF-4000 voice and data transceiver and an IRU-4000 digital data and audio processor. The system supports current VDL Mode 2 communications and also has the capability to support controlled pilot data link communications.

A Rockwell Collins FMS 4200 flight management system provides multiple wavepoint vertical navigation, flight time and fuel planning and prediction, Standard Instrument Departures and Standard Terminal Arrival Routes and approaches (SIDs and STARS).

A Kaiser Electroprecision throttle control module interfaces with the Collins autopilot, autothrottle and the engine's FADEC. The avionics suite also includes a fully integrated Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System (EICAS).

"The ARJ21 has a powerful take-off and climbing performance to allow the use of basic airports with short runways."The navigation systems include a Rockwell Collins solid-state weather radar, a Rockwell Collins AHS-3000 attitude heading reference system, a Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) and an air data system.

The integrated cockpit panel assemblies and the cockpit lighting control are supplied by Eaton Corporation. Sagem is providing the flight deck control system which interfaces with the fly-by-wire system, including columns, pedals and central console.

The 18.426m-long passenger cabin can be configured for 78 to 85 seats. The advanced broad cabin configuration includes wide seats, broad array pitch, a large space between the aisle seat and sidewall, wide aisles, high ceiling and low cabin noise.

The first-class seats are arranged four seats to a row, with a typical 38in pitch. The tourist-class seats are arranged five seats to a row, with a pitch of 32in.

The front and rear cargo holds have capacities of 12.416m³ and 4.383m³.

The aircraft is powered by two General Electric CF34-10A engines which are pod mounted at the rear of the fuselage forward of the swept T-tail. The engines are equipped with full authority digital engine control with a Meggitt Vibrometer SA engine control system and engine vibration monitors and Smiths thrust reversal actuators.

The relatively thick wing design accommodates large wing tanks of total capacity 12,720l, (10,386kg) of fuel. Parker Aerospace is supplying the fuel system.

The aircraft has a Kidde Aerospace fully integrated engine and auxiliary power unit fire protection system including cabin fire extinguishers and a bleed air leak detection system. The aircraft is fitted with a Hamilton Sunstrand APS 2300 auxiliary power unit and a back-up ram air turbine generator.

"The ARJ21 regional jet is powered by two General Electric CF34-10A engines, which are pod mounted at the rear of the fuselage."The aircraft is fitted with Liebherr Aerospace twin-wheeled tricycle-type landing gear, Goodrich tyres and brakes and a Parker Hannifin hydraulic system. The take-off and landing field lengths are 1,472m and 1,436m.


The 25° sweptback supercritical wing is fitted with winglets for improved cruise performance. The cruise speed is mach 0.78 (500kt true air speed) and cruise altitude is 10,668m. The standard aircraft has a range of 2,225km and the extended-range version has a range of 3,704km.

ACAC announced the selection of CAE to develop and provide the first full flight ARJ-21 simulator. The first simulator is scheduled to be delivered to the ACAC flight training centre based in Shanghai in 2008.

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MessaggioInviato: 15/12/2007, 20:47 
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Iscritto il: 21/10/2007, 23:08
Messaggi: 5326
Località: Bologna
Concordo con te sul fatto che assomiglia ad un 717 ma con le winglet.
A quanto ne so, in passato è stata data la licenza di costruzione di MD in cina e probabilmente i cinesi hanno fatto uso di quel know-how acquisito.

Io non corro...Volo basso... Vorsprung Durch Techink OOOO

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MessaggioInviato: 16/12/2007, 8:56 
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Iscritto il: 07/10/2007, 20:49
Messaggi: 6274
Località: Bologna
Da quello che si può capire leggendo l'elenco delle caratteristiche tecniche: motorizzazione - flight deck - radar con distemi correlati - carrelli - comandi (fly.by.wire) - fms - ecc. ecc. Io dico che c'è molto poco di "Cinese" se non qualche parte di fusoliera e l'assemblaggio.

E sicuramente una macchina costruita su licenza per quei mercati, da un progetto datato e profondamente rivisto allo stato delle ultime conoscenze, là montato per convenienza di costi......Mancherebbe solo la fusoliera in materiali compositi in questa rivisitazione :!:

Nella foto si può notare la mancanza dei piccoli finestrini sopra al parabrezza all'altezza del copilota e del comandante modifica già applicata nelle ultime versioni del B717 (ma presenti in tutti i modelli della familia DC8/9 e MD dal quale deriva) in quanto oggi non più necessari agli equipaggi per le osservazioni durante la navigazione.

Vedremo se queto prodotto riuscirà a ritagliarsi la sua fetta di mercato :)

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