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 Oggetto del messaggio: FR | Ryanair *2019*
MessaggioInviato: 14/03/2019, 14:26 
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Iscritto il: 21/12/2012, 0:14
Messaggi: 645
Ufficializzata adesso la novità anticipata nel post del nuovo volo Bologna-Katowice: dall'autunno 2019 Ryanair Sun, la compagnia polacca che fa capo a Ryanair, diventerà Buzz, con un cambio completo di immagine e, in futuro, un sito a sè stante.

Ryanair Sun To Be Rebranded As Buzz In Autumn 2019

Ryanair Sun, today (14 Mar) announced that it will rebrand as Buzz in autumn 2019, operating on a Polish Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC).

Ryanair Sun, a standalone business unit of the Ryanair Group, obtained its Polish AOC certificate at the beginning of 2018 and started operating for leading Polish tour-operators in summer 2018 with a fleet of 5 aircraft. Buzz’s fleet currently includes 17 aircraft, growing to 25 aircraft in summer 2019. Buzz will continue providing best in class charter services and operating scheduled Ryanair flights.

Buzz will launch its own website and app in autumn 2019, where Polish customers will be able to book all Ryanair flights, including these operated by Buzz.

Buzz is one of 4 airlines of the Ryanair Holdings Group, alongside Ryanair DAC, Laudamotion and Ryanair UK.

In Warsaw, Juliusz Komorek – Chairman of Buzz Supervisory Board said:

“We are excited to launch Buzz today, and to see our newly branded aircraft appear in Poland this autumn. Over the last 15 years, Ryanair has grown to become Poland’s biggest airline, thanks to the unbeatable combination of the lowest fares, best customer service and largest route network – and we now expect that Buzz will be Poland’s No.1 airline.”

Michał Kaczmarzyk – Ryanair Sun CEO said:

“Following a successful year of growth for Ryanair Sun, we are delighted that our planes will have a new and unique branding as we launch Buzz. Our goal is to offer services at the highest level to both customers and tour-operators. Buzz will continue to operate scheduled and charter flights, with our fleet growing to 25 aircraft by summer 2019.”

https://corporate.ryanair.com/news/ryan ... tumn-2019/


MessaggioInviato: 14/03/2019, 17:54 
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Iscritto il: 06/12/2007, 15:28
Messaggi: 14867
Località: Bologna
Quindi i voli verso la Polonia (anche da BLQ) potremmo vederli con questa livrea? :mrgreen:



MessaggioInviato: 15/03/2019, 9:31 
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Iscritto il: 05/10/2007, 14:15
Messaggi: 14147
Località: Bologna
Lorenzo BLQ ha scritto:
Quindi i voli verso la Polonia (anche da BLQ) potremmo vederli con questa livrea? :mrgreen:

Non si è ancora capito se sarà la livrea definitiva, però si.


MessaggioInviato: 15/03/2019, 11:57 
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Iscritto il: 13/02/2019, 17:52
Messaggi: 47
a mio avviso cambieranno livrea per quelli con registrazione in PL, in italia non so dove arrivino.... io che ci vado spesso volo su aerei ordinari, registrati in Irlanda

MessaggioInviato: 16/03/2019, 12:18 
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Iscritto il: 27/01/2018, 18:43
Messaggi: 59
VolaBologna ha scritto:

Ma é l'aereo dell'ape maya ....

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